Πέμπτη 6 Φεβρουαρίου 2014

Κακοποίηση παιδιών στο Ηνωμένο Βασίλειο (περισσότερες μητέρες από πατέρες)

----- Original Message -----
From: EmmaJEdwards
Subject: 874 response

Dear Mr Mortimer
Further to your recent request for information with regard to what the (a) gender and (b) familial relationship was to the child victim of offenders in substantiated child abuse cases in the area which we have a duty to protect children from abuse for the last full year which figures are available, broken down by (i) physical abuse, (ii) emotional abuse, (iii) sexual abuse and (iv) cases of neglect, I enclose a table in response.
Type of abuse registered
2 Neglect and PhysicalNeglect onlyPhysical and emotionalPhysical onlySexual onlyEmotional only
4Male124 1318
5Female116 20311
7Male415416 8
9 670861538
We are unable to provide the actual individual's familial relationship to the child victim of offenders, but as the child is a subject of Child Protection, it can be assumed that the parents have been unable to safeguard their child.
I trust this concludes your request.
Emma Edwards
Compliance Officer
Who do local authorities protect children from? 28th December 2013

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